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  • First Day of My Life (CrankGameplays x Reader)
    88.4K 2.7K 32

    This is a book I started writing a long time ago, and honestly I've fallen in love writing it haha. I didn't want it to be a basic story that everyone has written, so I tried to change it up a bit. I hope you love it as much as I love writing it!

  • Septishu/Amyplier One Shots!❤❤
    19.5K 450 33

    Just some septishu and amyplier one shots, this is my first book, so please don't be too harsh. I do appreciate constructive criticism though.👍 I probably won't upload super often because I'm a freshman in highschool in a new town. It's kind of overwhelming sometimes, so this will be my escape.

  • Revenge// Septiishu
    3.4K 224 9

    How far would you go to get revenge? After Mark Fischbach tricked Sean McLoughlin into thinking that his girlfriend Signe Hansen was cheating, he made his move and the two YouTubers began dating. Unfortunately for Mark, Signe's brother Simon revealed his plan to Sean who promptly dumped him and reunited with Signe. Th...

  • Jacksepticeye x Reader - (Game and a YouTuber)
    535K 11.9K 58

    You're 21 years old and you come home from work witnessing something not pretty. Your Boyfriend Josh with... ANOTHER WOMAN! You stamp into to the house and get your things packed, steel Josh's car and get ready to leave him forever. You quickly decide to start a new life in Ireland where he would never find you. Then...

  • Back and forth (Wilford Warfstache X reader)
    136K 3.8K 24

    You are kidnapped, away from our boyfriend, to his alter ego!! Luckily you are brought back by a real gentleman. But when you get kidnapped over and over again, you become closer and closer to another person...

  • Antisepticeye x reader
    48.4K 1.2K 25

    You are casually living your life when all of a sudden something happens. I thought Ill make one of these because I usually see loads of darkiplier x reader so please enjoy I'm sorry if its not good but I'm trying my best

  • lonely (Antisepticeye x Reader)
    183K 5.1K 27

    Once upon a time a gurl was bored in her room and wrote a book... JK So y/n is not having the best luck, her mother her father when she was 13 and got arrested for murder. Ever since she left her father hasn't been himself, he's always high and abuses her all the time when he's mad. Y/N is always bullied and has only...
