A Collection Of Undertale Puns
Can't get any more punny than this. Oh, look, a punintended joke! Copyright 20∞, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Inc. [REDACTED]
Can't get any more punny than this. Oh, look, a punintended joke! Copyright 20∞, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Inc. [REDACTED]
As I was reading The Selection series, I was thinking to myself, why is the king so discriminating toward the castes? It annoyed me so much that I decided to write a The Selection book where King Clarkson is actually nice! He won't hate America or any other girl because of her low caste. He will, however, not like oth...
We now have... 200 more days to go... but only one hundred shall make it into this book... DUN DUN DUNNNNNN no but like seriously, we're almost half way there. c: have fun! c;
you thought the first 65 days of puns were cool? WELL AHAHA, you thought wrong because we have 300 hundred more days to go! but only a hundred puns will be included in this c: NOW ENJOY the more puns that are to be...