A young, plus-size, African-American teen strives to live her life. Join her on her journey as she attends college and faces some of the most complex situations.
A young, plus-size, African-American teen strives to live her life. Join her on her journey as she attends college and faces some of the most complex situations.
Clichés are fantastic. Clichés are terrible. Clichés are almost impossible to escape. So let's learn what they are, and how to write them better.
Welcome to the Big Wide Orange world of Wattpad. Here are a few handy tips on figuring your way around this pretty awesome website, and having a blast.
How do I get more reads, votes, and comments? If you find yourself asking that question, then I have some answers for you. What can you do to reach out to readers and potential readers? How can you encourage readers to comment and vote? What are all the different ways you can promote your stories? This #1 ranking...
So, I was doing a critique tonight. And it was the person’s first book. And I was writing a bunch of the same things that I’ve written on a million other critiques since I started on Wattpad. And, it occurred to me that I keep giving people the same advice—advice that nobody gave me—and advice that beginner writer’s N...