Your Guide to Writing a Killer Thriller
Want to write a killer thriller? This guide contains tricks and tips that will navigate you through the various aspects of a thriller novel. Find answers to the questions that have been burning on your mind.
Want to write a killer thriller? This guide contains tricks and tips that will navigate you through the various aspects of a thriller novel. Find answers to the questions that have been burning on your mind.
"Science fiction writers foresee the inevitable, and although problems and catastrophes may be inevitable, solutions are not." - Isaac Asimov This piece is intended as a bit of a Help guide, a point of reference and hopefully something people will enjoy, as ultimately all of you will have different experiences reading...
Beberapa saran kecil untuk para author baru/yang kepengen tahu agar tulisannya semakin bagus.
JANGAN NGEMIS VOMENT KALAU TIDAK MAU SAYA BLOKIR == Panduan ini khusus untuk +18. Persyaratan untuk membaca: mental baja; tidak baper, sumbu pendek, alay, lebay, dan cengeng; dapat berpikir 'out of the box', mengedepankan etika, serta menggunakan nalar. Ini panduan garis keras. Saya tidak berbasa-basi dan bermanis-ma...