Anime Zodiac!
Different Anime themed zodiacs
For everyone who finds names as fascinating as I do, and for everyone who just needs some name ideas. Here are names, their variants, meanings, origins and more.
Meet the US Armed Forces and others! You can ask them questions, dare them and all that jazz. Also slight plot at some point. All characters are my own (except for that one brief ask concerning aph characters) and belong to me. If you would like to use them in any way, please ask before...
"Give me ten days, and I can give you ten reasons not to die." Evan paused. "And if I can't change your mind by then, you can go jump off that cliff."
Vires Academy: A school where many of the students develop an unnatural power. Some say it could be called a super power. The school is where they can learn to control and manage these powers in a balanced environment. But what happens when something starts to kill them off one by one. An unkown force is brewing and n...