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  • I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have To Kill You (Killua x Reader)
    801K 25.6K 45

    When a strange, mysterious boy with snowy white hair shows up at your school one faithful day, you've been barely able to take your eyes off him. As you begin to get closer and closer to him, could these feelings of friendship turn into something more? But Killua has a secret. A secret so deadly that if anyone ever fo...

  • Destiny (Killua x Reader)
    609K 18.4K 20

    As you were driven to despair, a certain white haired boy saves you... Although he was only supposed to be a heartless assassin, seeing a powerless girl on the verge on death made him hesitate. The sight of your frail body caused a swell of pity, sympathy, and the most unbearable emotion of all - guilt. By being toget...
