the tragic story of taehyung, who is faced with a dire dilemma: to support his father lucifer's apocalyptic plans to rid the world of humanity or to abandon this realm for his home in heaven. / ongoing (heavily editing.)
the tragic story of taehyung, who is faced with a dire dilemma: to support his father lucifer's apocalyptic plans to rid the world of humanity or to abandon this realm for his home in heaven. / ongoing (heavily editing.)
A high school girl named Park EunJae bought herself a ouija board near a local toystore. She wanted to try the game all by herself. There are rules to follow but she took the risk and disagreed on accepting the terms & condition. When she tried playing the game many horrific things had occurred. The person she had re...
Eun Hee and Jong-in are step-siblings that grew up together. Almost one couldn't do anything without the other. But after years, their sweet and candy-like relationship will soon shatter as their parents separate. They promise to meet once more in their dream campus, Yonsei University. In a matter of years, they fin...