Conspiracy Theories
These theories that I have found range from cartoons to the moon. Comment or PM any theories you would like me to post about.
These theories that I have found range from cartoons to the moon. Comment or PM any theories you would like me to post about.
Hey This is a book of twisted nursery rhymes. If you're planning on reading this book I hope you know that it's not all sunshines and rainbows so if your looking for that sort of thing , I suggest you look elsewhere .Those of you that choose to stay .... well enjoy the book
Ever had any questions about cartoons you watched? Well you'll get some answers by reading this book!!! Hello! This book will be about background information on cartoons, video games and etc. I really can't explain it but read the book and you'll understand!!! The truth will be told... THESE ARE NOT MY STORIES AND I...
The orininal lyrics and the ones i mad up will be there. Not as creepy, but if you want, i'll make dem creepy
Creepy, scary, disturbing, horrific, etc. posts. I post often though this is a new account.
Just a few creepy nursery rhymes and saying that either I made up or heard about
A collection of some of the best scary stories and urban legends. If you have heard of or read some of these, read it again, it doesn't hurt!
Favorite conspiracy theories explained. Enjoy✖️ if you want to hear someone talk about conspiracy theories that everyone is using in their books, go check out "The new conspiracy theory is that I'm a woman and I'm transitioning."
Are these the sort of things you like, my dear? the stories and the rhymes that make you shake? are you the sort who seeks darkness and fear? I surely hope you are, for your own sake. In here you'll meet the fear who has a face, in here you'll feel the cold under your bed, In here the childhood terrors have a space, A...
Just a few Urban Legends and Myth's you may or may not have heard before.
So, I have a conspiracy theory book, which these were originally meant to be a part of, but I realised that there was way too many...