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  • Error 606
    27 6 1

    It reset everything in Software 0-1457, including itself. It moves to another software, Prototype: Planet Earth 0677 and meets a young lady named Rika. :: What happens when a program with no identity befriends a mod who is running from hers? [Anime mix AU] [Takes place in 2045] [Cover by @jeonngi]

  • Amani's Graphics Portfolio
    4.8K 790 104

    All my graphics in one place! software used: Photoshop, PicsArt, Superimpose, Pixlr, and Phonto. Highest Rating in Non-Fiction: #45

  • Graphics Portfolio | v2 |
    2.6K 315 44

    In which a young artist puts her art in a portfolio. #650 in non fiction