Let's Rant A Bit
The less serious but still infuriating affects of misophonia, can be found and ranted about right here.
Little misophonia things
Those little things all of us misophones (did I spell that right?) can relate to. Sometimes funny. Sometimes sad. Always real.
This is a book where I write about my misophonia. Misophonia is a disorder where you get angry at sounds made by the human body
My Misophonia Diary.
Hi! I'm Sapphire, AKA AesthetixTurtle or Aesthetically. In this story/diary, I will be writing all of the times I have had to deal with Misophonia. Before you start reading this story, I suggest you look up what Misophonia is so you understand it a bit more. People with Misophonia, if you're reading this, I bet you...
the true story of my life dealing with my misophonia. I do not support the spread of this mental illness or any others, i am simply documenting my story.