Poetry for the Sleepless
Just an insomniac's thoughts...
"out there is someone who sees the wind blow, can hear the sun rise, and can taste the clouds" (or a collection of poetry written when no one is watching)
"I want to write a story that inspires others" ~jkstoryaddict My random and hopefully inspiring poems. They are about anything and everything. I hope you enjoy these
Moonlit poems to help others remember what's important... [Originally titled "Finding Earth"]
Not everyone has time for poetry. I know that. I respect that. If you really don't want to read this, it's okay with me. You can just leave. It's fine. But if you're still here, I would wish you could try to read these poems. Not everyone reads them, because, you know, not everyone has time for poetry. And that's ok...
Written and published uncensored, ever wondered what happens when I write out of anger or frustration? Well, read on.
*****Disclaimer***** i do not in any way mean to offend or discredit the lose of others to cancer I only used it to show the beauty in what we already have i'm truly sorry if i offended anyone
I wrote this in April 2012 for the love of my life, but never had the courage to say it to her, it's ok though because now we are together and I finally said it to her. Sorry, it is bad im not very good at writing I just enjoy it I hope you do too :)
In the world of ink, I have lost myself. And now for the readers of the land, I have sworn my oath to pledge my words to all. I have now found my place, and this is where I'll stay. So even after all I have been through.... I'm Still The Same. *All these poems are copywrited, so no stealing you stalkers! :)
This is a collection of poems that I have written over the years. I am bringing them together for the first time along with some of my favs from other poets. Enjoy!