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  • All the Phases of the Moon (tutup ya)
    14.5K 861 45

    sebuah cover shop dan showcase yang namanya memang tidak seperti cover shop dan showcase pada umumnya. current phase: new moon (alias tutup)

  • Cookie #Jar || graphic corner[ close for catch up ]
    11.5K 1K 31

    open [ ] close [ □ ] in which deens tries to show off her horrible graphic ps: all pictures inside are not mine, i just own the final edit

  • awkward silence; a graphic portfolio
    26.6K 3.9K 65

    in which aycee show offs her amazingly shitty graphic skills. not a tutorial or request book thankyou. banner by @nymphomin highest rank : #387 in random #10 on cover #5 on graphic #1 on graphicdesigner

  • Welkin Graphics
    26.4K 2.3K 13

    don't ask me what i was thinking when i made this because, frankly, i wasn't thinking at all. - All sources in my graphics are not mine, unless I state otherwise. I own only the final result. Do not steal, re-edit, or claim my works. Please, thank you! Critiques are very welcomed and I really appreciate them as they d...

  • 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 - 𝘎𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘤 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘱
    5.5K 490 12

    ▪︎CLOSE ❝ in wich a bored girl attempted to open a trashy graphic shop, and help those who are struggling to find a good graphic stuff.❞ [ bahasa - english ] ❝ Please bear with the amount of typos and grammar mistakes i made. ❞

  • Goldfish ° a graphic book
    7K 936 53

    kindly enough to leave some feedbacks cover requests are accepted (for free)

  • boy with luv; graphic portfolio v2
    7.7K 847 38

    i've waited all my life ; a more organised graphic portfolio

    5.1K 580 17

    [CLOSED] Provide you with amateurly handmade graphics that made with essential love and boredom. werkudara; graphic shop ©youngkraken, 2019

  • ikea! a graphic shop
    243K 19.4K 111

    ─ some trashy covers :) ─ tutorials in the back ─ 2018 graphic watty winner: dark covers ─ 2018 graphic watty winner: people's choice light cover designer ─ 2016 graphic watty winner: minimalistic covers [ cover by the extremely talented @fartette]

  • Laughter Lines 彡 Graphic Portfolio
    57.9K 6.3K 96

    »ashen faces in cold breeze, all the stories you will leave« some graphics. NEW GRAPHIC BOOK: the night i met you ( english & german ) © calalu, 2019-2021

    30.9K 2.8K 12

    THE BEST GRAPHIC BOOK IN THE TOWN! (Ga. Jangan percaya, lel. Cuma biar kamu mau mampir aja. Iya, kamoe) Hai! Di sini aku menerima jasa pembuatan cover Wattpad dengan syarat yang super mudah dan hasil yang (semoga) memuaskan! Untuk detail lebih lengkap, silakan cek bab-bab awal, yap. Gratis tanpa dipungut biaya, uhuy...

  • azthetically : Graphic Portofolio
    6.5K 887 18

    ❝ In wich a bored girl trying to make and show her trashy graphic in this horrifically terrible graphic portofolio ❞ [IND/ENG] Things you need to prepare before you clicked the 'read' button : - sunglasses - plastic bag - Pray for your eyes safety Warning: • contains trashy things • this book is a whole mess • 80% of...

  • Serendipity [Graphics Shop]
    9.1K 986 10

    ❝se-ren-di-pi-ty [n.] - the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.❞ hi my name is chase and welcome to my graphics shop/portfolio, serendipity. status: closed - (c) @acethetics 2018 cover by acethetics

  • mystique┊graphics ( closed )
    82.1K 4.6K 30

    M Y S T I Q U E / closed graphic_designing_talent.exe has stopped responding voidmoriarty © 2017 - ??? graphics made with photoshop cc #1 under the "bookcover(s)" tag! #1 under the "cover" tag! [ 23/03/19 ] #1 under the "graphic" tag...

  • Graphic Corner
    2.3K 47 4

    Hello, welcome to this work I make this work for show my graphic skills, and sorry for my bad English haha.

  • graphic portofolio; D E C
    6.6K 1.9K 17

    Guys, seriously. Maybe this book is something that you're always looking for. If you're not sure yet, just check it out! *put grin emojis right here* WARNING: This book full of g̶r̶a̶m̶m̶a̶t̶i̶c̶a̶l̶ e̶r̶r̶o̶r̶s̶

    1.3K 186 38

    (BAHASA) sebuah tempat sampah yang akan mengajak kalian bermain lebih jauh di dunia desain grafis

  • Trashy
    12.5K 1.7K 43

    halo, selamat datang di tempat sampahnya sayur. kalau mau lihat skill sayur yang mendingan, mungkin kamu bisa lihat dari part terbawah. oh iya, skill sayur juga ambyar sekali. 90-sekian% dari trashy adalah collab dengan para good peeps. terimakasih, sampai jumpa!

  • Graphic Corner
    90.1K 5.3K 114

    Started : 25 Mei 2018 Ended : 7 Maret 2019

    153K 11.8K 131

    A GRAPHICS BOOK。 Mau belajar seputar graphic di Wattpad? Disini aja. Berisi tutorial-tutorial editing hanya dengan menggunakan smartphone. Mobile editing apps (✔) Photoshop (✖) Mulai: 6 Agustus 2018 Akhir: -

  • orphic | a graphic showcase
    3.2K 395 28

    cuma tempat di mana Kavaleri nunjukin graphics (terutama cover) buatannya.

  • XOXO [ a graphic corner ]
    247 40 4

    [COMPOSITION] 60% - s h o w c a s e 30% - t i p s & t u t o r i a l s 10% - r u b b i s h t a l k Copyright © 2018 by HidrogenSianida

  • premades;
    752 55 6

    just click "read" button [OPEN]

  • PUNTADEWA ⌒ g.portfolio
    8.4K 1.1K 25

    Different from the title definition; so don't expect too much. Just a bunch of graphics that fueled by a long-term boredom. puntadewa; graphic portfolio ©youngkraken, 2018 (bahasa - english, grammar error included)

    10.4K 959 43

    now you on ◆ portfolio ◆ by ndhirsm enjoy English//Indonesia #9 - Poster #7 - Poster #4 - Poster #11 - graphics #9 - graphics #29 - design #9 - banner #6 - banner

  • suka-suka; a cover shop
    10K 893 17

    [tidak terbuka] butuh cover? kuy sini, ntar dibuatin, tapi suka-suka micin dong ya. ehehe :)

  • Sunflower : Graphic Corner
    3K 213 8

    Contain : Showcase, Challenge, Request Cover/Cover Shop, Tutorial. Aplikasi PicsArt, yang berharap Photoshop jauh-jauh :"( Graphic Corner : Bahasa Indonesia & Bahasa Inggris.

  • Moods; Cover Shop [ Close ]
    21.6K 1.2K 54

    Yang butuh silahkan dicek❣ Cover inspired by @supernovass

  • lost ; graphic
    400 60 3

    suatu hari aku tertidur. meninggalkan dunia ini untuk sementara. mencari kedamaian , serta ketenangan hidup. hingga pada suatu hari. aku terbangun dan mendapati dunia yang aku pernah pijakkan kaki diatasnya , berubah 180 derajat. - - - : . ini buku galeri cover saya + rant (?) intinya kalau ga suka silahkan k e l u...

  • Graphic Corner 2
    162K 12.6K 106

    [BAHASA] Tutorial, tips, showcase, etc. #1 in graphic (11/05/2018) #3 in cover (22/08/2018) Copyright© 2018 by kamubiru