Klance comic
Just some cute comic pictures of Klance None of these pictures are mine Credit to artists
Just some cute comic pictures of Klance None of these pictures are mine Credit to artists
Mitch had his whole life planned out. He knew what college he wanted to go to, where he wanted to work, what he wanted to do, and he had absolutely perfect grades. When the a new student joins mid year, will it mess him up or will he be able to handle all of his school work and showing the new student the ropes or wil...
its been two years since she was last see but her brother never gave up.he got a call from her telling him were she is and now it is a race against time to get there.
This is a Shane Dawson and gabbie fanfic. You'll love this if you love them. Rated (X) lots of sexual content. Enjoy
This is the story of the amazing acapella groups from Barden Bellas from singing to secret agents!
I'll hold his hand only once. I'll hug him only once. I'll kiss him only once. I'll hate him only once. I'll love him only once. No wait, that's a lie...