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  • Just One Look [Niall Horan FANFIC SK]
    699 66 4

    Od momentu, keď ju prvý raz zbadal, vedel, že to dievča mu ukradlo srdce. Ona však mala spočiatku oči pre niekoho iného. On sa však rozhodol bojovať o jej srdce... Podarí sa mu získať jej lásku, alebo skončí so zlomeným srdcom? Bude mať ich vzťah vôbec budúcnosť? Tento príbeh a hlavne hlavná dvojica je vytiahnutá z pr...

  • Demon in Her [Harry Styles FANFIC SK]
    930 83 10

    Veci vedia ublížiť. Ľudia tiež. Ale niekedy sme ovládaní niečím, čo samy nevieme identifikovať. Robíme veci, ktoré by sme nikdy nespravili. Hovoríme, čo by sme nikdy nepovedali. Niečo nás ovláda. Niečo temné... When you feel my heat, look into my eyes, it's where my demons hide, but don't get too close, 'cause it's d...

  • You Killed My Inspiration #1 [Story of our parents] (SK - Harry Styles)
    2.8K 166 21

    BOOK #1 Šestnásťročná Charlotte Daisy Styles je už unavená z neustálych hádok svojich rodičov. Vidí, ako trpí jej mladšia sestra, keď sa ich rodičia hádajú. Nechce, aby sa jej rodičia rozišli. Nie teraz, po pätnástich rokoch pomerne šťastného manželstva. Spolu so svojim bratom dvojčaťom Lucasom snaží sa nájsť spôsob...

  • You light up my world... [Zayn Malik FANFIC SK #Book1]
    50.9K 2.8K 60

    S Alex sa život veru nemaznal. Na to, že má 17, si toho už prežila dosť a neboli to veru pekné chvíle. Všetko sa ale začína meniť, keď stretne jedného chalana. Lenže ona má jeden záväzok. Záväzok, ktorý vôbec nie je jednoduché zvládať. Stane sa medzi nimi niečo, alebo napokon ostanú len kamaráti?

  • [***[EDITING]***] Dancing Styles (Harry Styles Fanfic) (Watty Awards 2012)
    18.6M 254K 75

    For her 16th birthday, Lucy Martin received a "present" from her childhood bestfriend, Louis Tomlinson; she got to be a backup dancer for One Direction. Things started heating up with her and Harry, but after the tour, he broke things off. Shortly after the breakup, Lucy discovered she was pregnant. With Harry Styles'...

  • Second Chances
    7.4M 107K 55

    Julia isn't the girl who gets all the guys. She finally gets her first boyfriend in her senior year of high school, but when things go from great to horrible in her relationship, she knows it's time to change. She moves to London to start over. She puts up walls that are difficult to break down and doesn't let just an...

  • Marcel
    25.1M 569K 59

    My name's Marcel. Nerd. Poet. Teenage Loser. You think you know the real me, but you don't. I wish you could see the true me, but no one has cared enough to. Until she came. All rights go to _smilelikeniall (myself). Everything is written by me. No copyright intended. Please do not claim my words and/ or ideas as your...

  • With you
    68.8K 2.2K 64

  • Daughter Direction (Sequel to Should've Kissed You)
    3.3K 133 10

    Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, Their hearts mature and Their love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.

  • Teach Me To Love {Harry Styles SK}
    560K 24.2K 66

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