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  • Wiccan Beliefs
    116 1 1

    Wicca is an almost completely decentralized religion. George Knowles, a Wiccan author, has said: "“Wicca has no high authority, no single leader, no prophet and no Bible to dictate its laws and beliefs”. 1 Many, perhaps most, Wiccans are solitary practitioners. Others form small local groups called covens, g...

  • All About Wicca
    87K 2.2K 18

    Heyya, I wanted to start this for people who are interested in Wicca, or for those who just wanted to learn more. Wicca is put down a lot in many societies and and is just misunderstood thanks to Hollywood. I found a lot of the information in my own time thanks to the dedicated followers of Wicca. You can read this if...

  • Witch spells
    67.2K 728 7

    These spells are real and they do work

  • Wiccan Basics
    114 2 1

    A bit of a summary about Wiccan stuff :) let me know if you have any questions

  • Book of Spells
    635K 11.2K 125

    Book of spells. This IS real. If you don't believe in this stuff then don't read this book. We will try to update every week

  • Wiccan Magick
    1.5K 12 1

  • Wiccan Love Spell
    923 19 1

    This is a white magic spell for love. It is white magic because it is non-specific, and it allows the universe to find your true love. Instructions and what you need are included inside. Enjoy!

  • Wiccan: Spells And Information
    117 3 2

    A book about my religion Wicca. Includes spells, gods/goddesses, rules etc If you message me spells you want in the book I will put them in the book and give you credit.

  • wiccan rede
    350 7 1

  • pagan music
    4.9K 105 9

    Pagan music is hard to find so I'm going to list the lyrics, singer, and cd name. BLESSED BE!!! )O(

  • A Green Witches Book Of Shadows
    1K 11 3

    Spells and Rituals of a Green Witch (In no exact order)

  • WITCHCRAFT AND WICCA by an eclectic witch
    11.1K 461 52

    This is all about wicca and witchcraft from the perspective of an eclectic witch

  • Tameran Wiccan Journal
    181 3 2

    My digital Journal and Spell-book for my path of Tameran Wicca. My aim is to educate people on Wicca and dispel some of the stereotypes and misrepresentations around it.

  • The Wiccan's Real Version of the Creation Story from the Book of Shadows
    4.4K 24 1

    If you are curious how the Wiccan religion came to be then read this and you will see. To me, since I am a Wiccan, this is were all religions started out.

  • Wiccan Sabbats and Esbats of 2012
    247 1 1

  • Wiccan Spell Book
    33.5K 399 4

    Many easy spells for beginners in witchcraft

  • The Wiccan Way: the journal of a first generation witch
    2.6K 75 19

    This is a book that will never be finished. Among the letters you will see my path and the true colors of Wicca. Look up to the stars my dear reader. May the Lord and Lady go with you. Edit: We never think that a phase of our life will end, but to move forward we must release the past.

  • Wiccan/Witchcraft Spells
    35.7K 487 7

    Here are some spells I find online or I make. They include spells from New Moon chants to eye changing spells. Remember, "Everything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picaso

  • Wiccan Tips And Spells
    52.7K 1.6K 43

    Just a few things that'll help out a first time wiccan. I really hope this helps you, I am trying my best to give you a crash course on our ways.

  • Wiccan Spells
    1.4K 14 3

    This is my book of spells. Some of them are my own, some are not. But he warned, if you do not do the spell exactly how you're supposed to, consequences will be in effect. Happy reading and Blessed Be!

  • Wiccan spell
    1.2K 18 3

    This could be very serious or not some spells i own some i don't.My name is crystal that is my pagan name but i am also wicca i love witchcraft no i do not do curses or hexes or voodoos i am a white magic pagan wiccan witch.You are not a witch unless you have done a spell of course -By your pww Crystal

  • Wiccan Prayers
    11.8K 269 7

    This Book Is About Wiccan Prayers

  • The Wiccan Rede (Full Version)
    4.3K 75 3

    Okay, I put this here because I noticed that there isn't much about Wicca that people know that isn't just stupid rumors or gossip. So here is pretty much in a nutshell, the main 'Law' that we Wiccan's follow. Stating "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will" meaning that if we are not harming anything (including ourselves o...

  • A Wiccan Book of Spells
    5.9K 75 3

    A lot of Wiccan spells. REAL SPELLS; YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

  • Wiccan Spell for Lucid Dreaming
    9.3K 122 1

    This is a Wiccan spell for lucid dreaming. Instructions and items necessary are provided for inside. Thanks for reading!

  • Guide To Create Your Own Wiccan Book Of Shadows
    59.3K 687 20

    Easy guide to create your own Book of Shadows,In this book you can learn to bind a new book and design your Book Of Shadows
