Primal Arizona
Another writing competition.
In an alternate reality set in the year 2024, the world's greatest scientific minds the world have gathered on the Sunlit Mariner for the 10th annual Consumer Technology Show where thousands of people come to witness life-changing discoveries. However, what was supposed to be a night of research and innovation, free f...
Superhuman (noun): A man born of a falling star. A flash of blue rained upon the earth in the year 2015, giving birth to a new race-a generation of humans with incredible powers gifted by light. They made themselves heroes and villains, once-fictional phenomena leaping off the page. In the beginning, they were met...
A Victor never truly dies. They live on in memory, in spirit, in history books that will be studied by thousands of people to come. A Victor is a symbol of power, of strength, wealth, and sometimes even weakness. Victors come in all shapes and sizes, some appearing from the most unlikely of places. In these games...
Many years since the world has been destroyed by Genesis, an atomic bomb, the world is beginning to stir. People have gathered in communities called toxums, the leaders of the communities are called poskas (poska as singular), and the destruction of the earth is known as washek. But that is far from the point. The poi...
The United Sectors of Argyris was a masterpiece. Home to people from all walks of life, the nation was divided into eleven sectors. Each was named after a colour on the spectrum and was the central of a different area of profession. Much like the colours that stood for them, its people led vibrant lives surrounded by...