How to Create a Warrior Cat Fanfiction: The Ultimate Guide
Title explains it... I'll be writing this to give people tips on writing fanfictions for Warrior Cats!
Title explains it... I'll be writing this to give people tips on writing fanfictions for Warrior Cats!
A guide to creating names for Warriors characters, complete with general rules, prefix and suffix usage and a list of suffixes and their meanings. For more information on the Warriors world, check out my other guides: 'Far From Home' (a guide to Clan creation), 'Follow the Leader' (a guide to Clan life) and 'On My Own...
Many people need to improve their Warriors FanFics, even me. Here are some tips StarClan has shared with me in a dream to help all those writers! Enjoy, and I hope this can be of use. (DISCONTINUED)
This book will give you tips on how to write a Warriors fanfiction series on Wattpad. Tips include: -how to create cat names (prefixes and suffixes) -how to create cat appearance -how to create a prophecy -how to create the territories -how to make the Allegiances list -how to write in cat language
I reached the maximum amount of updates per book (200) in Warrior Names, so I was forced to make a second book. This is Warrior Names. All names are free to use without credit.
Having trouble finding your character a name in a story you are writing then come here
Hei! Vel... Dette er da en bok hvor jeg kommer til å legge ut litt forskjerlige covere jeg har laget. Jeg har laget ganske mange forskjerlige kovere, men får aldri brukt dem. Hvis dere vil kan jeg også prøve å lage et cover for dere! Men jeg advarer mot at jeg ikke har gjort det så mye... Hvis du vil at jeg skal PRØVE...
Lena er desperat etter en arbeidsplass til arbeidsuken på skolen. Siste utvei er nattevakt jobben på den kjente pizzeriaen Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria. Intet aner Lena om hvor forferdelig denne jobben kan gå... (Bok 1 av 4)