virgin lips. » irwin. au. romanian.
"Deci, n-ai mai fost niciodată sărutată, eh?" credits to lilacniallpls.
"Deci, n-ai mai fost niciodată sărutată, eh?" credits to lilacniallpls.
((povestea este într-o scurtă pauză de editare)) Lumea lor se dă peste cap cu puţin timp înainte să ia primul lor interviu. O deplasare scurtă către viitor s-a transformat în vizita pe termen nelimitat a prezentului; totuşi, când ai de-a face cu gemenele Adams, care nu au nici o legătură cu vestita Familia Adams, totu...
Pentru unii, întoarcerea în San Francisco înseamnă uitarea trecutului; începerea a ceva nou, nedescoperit. Însă atunci când amintirile încă neîngropate răscolesc mintea unora dintre ei, declanşează o reacţie în lanţ. Ură, dragoste şi prietenie - cele trei elemente care nu lipsesc niciodată în formarea relaţiilor între...
❝COMPLETED❞ Jenny's life isn't normal. It's a living hell. So, yes her mum is Caroline Flack. Yes, she is dating Harry Styles. Gross. A 15 year age difference is two years younger than Jenny's. Caroline didn't tell Harry about Jenny. What happens when they meet and Harry falls in love? Then he dumps Caroline and goes...
{book 1 of the Adopted By Elounor series} Alex had no idea that when she entered a contest to spend a day with Louis Tomlinson and his girlfriend, Eleanor Calder, that she would actually win. But when Louis catches Alex's stepdad, Chad, in the act of abusing the young girl, he knows he can't leave her... So him and...
{book 2 of Adopted By Elounor series} *MOST MESSED UP STORY YOULL EVER READ IM SORRY* Four years have passed. A lot has changed for Alex and her family over the years. A new member to the family brings joy to them on their worst days. A certain break up that leaves everyone devastated. Couples grow stronger...
Joanna Adams is Niall horan's best friend but what happens when he auditioned for the X-Factor and left her and promised he'd come back for her but never did then her mother gave her a ticket for a 1D concert and she has to go bring her little cousin an autograph and the thing that Joanna doesn't know is that Niall is...
{book 4} - ❝ All women are the same. One day they say they love you, that they are gonna be with you forever; the next they meet someone else, someone who can be with them when they need it, someone who shares their world. And then they tell you “but we can still be friends.” Yeah, you know what I think of that? Fuck...
{book 1} ✓ - ❝ Once upon a time… Wait, are you shitting me? This story doesn’t start like this. On the contrary! This story is about a girl who thought had enough of men but, of course, her words backfired on her face. Yeah, this girl is me. An average girl… Okay, not so average, more insane, I would say. Whatever. Th...
Frumoasa rebela Joanna Anne Carver,ramane orfana chiar de ziua ei de nastere,cand implineste 16 ani.Dupa moartea parintilor ei,ea este transferata la un orfelinat din L.A.,unde credea ca v-a ramane ,pana cand o familie obinuita va veni sa o adopte.Dar viata ii se schimba radical,cand este adoptata de faimosul cantaret...
Intorsesem capul si refuzam sa il mai privesc in ochi. Stiam ca si el era suparat pe mine, dar nu imi pasa. In momentul asta chiar nu voiam sa il mai vad. In timp ce privesc pe fereastra vad o lumina orbitoare ce se apropie de noi. Se apropie mult prea tare. Ma intorc si vad groaza din ochii lui Ed. Stiu ca nu mai ave...
After an atrocious incident that almost cost them their lives, Simon Cowell decides to hire a bodyguard for Liam Payne and his girlfriend, Danielle Peazer. You would think that person would be an inviolable, unassailable, male, right? Well, not this time. Simon hires Miranda, a nineteen year old girl who just so h...
"If you ever feel stupid, remember you're not the girl who rejected Liam twenty two times." My friend tried to cheer me up. I didn't get what she was talking about until my eyes landed on her poster on the wall. My throat went dry when I realized who it was. Liam Payne. The boy I rejected twenty times and broke his he...
"-Hai trage si omoara-ma. Nu asta este ceea ce doresti de multi ani?" "-Exact." "-Si atunci de ce nu o faci pur si simplu?...Nu poti, nu-i asa? Si sti de ce? Pentru ca iti este frica." "-Nu-mi este frica sa trag." "Nu sa tragi, ci iti este frica sa omori pe cineva pe care iubesti." "-Nu te iubesc! Mie nu-mi este frica...
Leti Stewart este o fata obisnuita de 18 ani cu vise mari,cuminte,buna cu toti si extrem de naiva.Traieste ca orice adolescenta,merge la scoala,are prieteni.Intr-o zi,viata ei este data peste cap din cauza unei plimbari banale in parcul de langa casa.Un contact vizual si totul s-a schimbat,brusc.Leti se indragosteste...