?Би чамаас айж байна...Гэхдээ хайрлахыг хүсч байна?
"Playboy.. Tch!" "Yeah i play you, you play me" "I dont care leave me alone! You think your tricks will work to me!?" "Maybe it can cuz' right now i know you already fell for my most trickiest trap"
Sehun is the most popular guy on campus and he could have any girl he desired. And one day a new student was welcomed into his class. She looked innocent and different from the other homewrecks around. He took intrest in her and started to real her in with his charm. She began to develop feelings for him and thought t...
playboy: a man who spends his time enjoying himself, especially one who behaves irresponsibly or is sexually promiscuous . Luhan was just a normal student like anyone else. Getting good grades to finish out the school year, enjoying company from his friends who looked forward to seeing him. Until he moved away for...
Нэг охин нууц ном олсноос бүх үйл явдал эхлэх болно.(Анхны өгүүллэг учир алдаа их байгаа уучлаарай бас дахин засах болноо тэгэхгүй бол төгсгөл нь их сонин дууссан байгаа)