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  • Twin Sister- A short novel <girlxgirl> <lesbian>
    2.8K 45 9

    Am and Tony have been best friends for years. Tony has a twin sister, Alex, who's been traveling the world with their father. Then Alex comes home to stay with Tony and their mom for a while, since something happened with their dad. Am meets Alex and starts questioning her sexuality a little bit. And, well, we all kn...

  • Poetry
    4.1K 196 35

    Here's a collection of all of the poems I've written!!! If a poem is not mine, I will say so. So don't worry, everything is mine unless said otherwise. I'm not a thief. There may also be some short stories here and there if I write a story and it isn't long enough to put in a full story on its own.

  • Letters
    1.3K 55 20

    Okay, so, I wanted to write letters to some people in my life that I don't particularly want them to see. Some I won't care about, some I will. Idea stolen from my friend, but I'm changing names ever so slightly to protect provacy. So, we'll call that friend PJ. So, credit to PJ, I guess!

  • The Journal of a Transgender boy
    2.6K 86 15

    Macks was born in a female body, but he doesn't really feel connected to that part of himself. In eighth grade, it clicks. He's transgender. I've found his journal and I'll use this to publish his thoughts and feelings. Don't worry, he gave me permission. So this is his story, leading up to him figuring it out, and f...

  • My Randomness
    4.8K 229 88

    Hey, so this will be filled with random facts about me, random things that happen in my life, some of my thoughts, probably some rants, possibly a sad story or two(you can skip those if you want), and probably some other insanely random things yo!
