Greek Myths
This is a collection of Greek Myths I thought some people would like to read for pure interest or to help them with their homework. I own nothing, all credits go to the Greeks and their interesting mythology.
This is a collection of Greek Myths I thought some people would like to read for pure interest or to help them with their homework. I own nothing, all credits go to the Greeks and their interesting mythology.
Mythology can refer either to the collected myths of a group of people-their body of stories which they tell to explain nature, history, and customs[1]-or to the study of such myths.[2] As a collection of such stories, mythology is an important feature of every culture. Various origins for myths have been proposed, ra...
a misrepresentation of the truth.. Different information on mythology creatures and animals..gods, goddess. Etc..
Do you know what an Ifrit is, or how Will-o'-the-Wisp attract people? Do you want to put a certain mythological creature in your story, but are confused on where to look it up? Well, you've come to the right place! "Mythological Creatures" will take you on a wild ride through many of those mythological creatures you k...