Sluggish Business
Just another sluggish day at the office...
What happens when your greatest (and unwanted) admirer also happens to be Death?
This is a true story based on my personal experience. I'm curious to hear if anyone has had a similar experience.
The year is 1887. A teen girl writes in her newly acquired diary. Just a normal slice of life take on a not so normal life.
Kimberly is stuck in a paranoid cycle of always questioning what is real life. After her third child, she is plagued with visual and auditory hallucinations. The doctors call it "postpartum psychosis" and offer medications. But she knows it is something more. She can sense there is something evil around her. Stalkers...
This is no ordinary antique shop. Want for Not is a gateway to the unknown, filled with artifacts that hold secrets best left undisturbed. One wrong move, one wayward thought, and you may find yourself drawn into a world of shadows and the supernatural. Tread carefully, for you never know what might come through the d...
When pets stare off into the dark, what are they looking at?