// FERMÉ DÉFINITIVEMENT \\ Rendez vous sur mon 2e graphic book ;)
// FERMÉ DÉFINITIVEMENT \\ Rendez vous sur mon 2e graphic book ;)
Welcome to EndlessHeights Graphics! A non-committing cover shop where I make covers uniquely for your book.:) Ranked #1 in coverrequests and #1 in photomanipulation 2018 Graphic Wattys Winner(dark covers) 2018 Graphic Wattys Nominee Winner(book jackets) *Cover made by me
Hi! I'm a Venezuelan designer who loves making book covers. You can see my art or request a book cover through this portfolio.
"Trabajar duro por algo que no nos interesa se llama estrés. Trabajar duro por algo que amamos se llama pasión" "El arte de diseñar, es el arte de apreciar" Adentrate a Val's Graphics➟ Este es un portafolio que apoya a la cuenta #WattHelpDesigner y que por ende, te invita a apoyar esta causa.
Dépayser;; salir de tu zona de confort. 『Portfolio Gráfico』 Lajeanna Designs 2O18
"Moonlight is the proof that there will always be light in darkness" Treinta días. Treinta Portadas. Una viajera del espacio intentando cumplir un reto.
Said no more counting dollars, we'll be counting stars. A portfolio by sunsetdrexms.
Covers and Premades. Ro/ eng Open [x] Close [ ] Close to catch up [ ] ©Toate drepturile rezervate.
May Kenobi edit forever. May the force be with you. Les dejo por acá todos mis gráficos :)
🌠Where I pluck starlight from the sky and weave it into my creations🌠 Over here, I'll be displaying some of my favourite works. Feel free to check them out and let me know what you think of them. I'll try to respond to all comments :) Open for Commissions and Premades!
just going to be posting most of my graphics here also some resource dumps every few weeks maybe some tutorials idk?? all credit to @TheFashionPixie for the amazing cover
Since I recently discovered the joy of making graphics thanks to some wonderful peeps on here, I decided to start making them for fun. But since it's not a lot of fun to spend time on things without sharing them with anyone, I'm making a book which will contain my graphics. Hope you enjoy!
This is a collection of all the covers I've made for others, myself, or competitions. *closed at the moment*
Where I post my attempts of doing something on ps... attempts... ;) Please do not steal or copy my work All right reserved (c) 2017 irwinthegod
¿Necesitas una portada/gráfico/miniatura para tu historia y no la has conseguido todavía? ¿A qué esperas? ¡Vamos, estás en el lugar adecuado!
|| CLOSED FOREVER || check out my second graphic shop- Velaris Graphics! Let's be honest- who DOESN'T judge a book by it's cover? And this is why, graphic designers exist! So step into my shop of Illusional Graphics that will blow your mind (or not- most likely not) Made with love...
❝The crime and the law there... they're all twisted up in each other like a maze❞ ►m a n i p s ►c r a c k s h i p s ►b a n n e r s
➤➤➤ [PARA PEDIR PÁSATE POR ''1998 DREAMS'', DISPONIBLE EN MI PERFIL] ➤➤➤ - Blue Holland. ♡- #396 De Todo 24/06/2016 #499 De Todo 14/06/2016
Mezcla una adolescente aburrida, una computadora, Photoshop, una cuenta de wattpad, chocolates infinitos y tiempo libre de sobra... ¿Qué obtienes? Esto, o lo que sea. Aquí publicaré mis portadas para múltiples concursos, haré tandas de pedidos y uno que otro gráfico aleatorio. Cosas de edición, en general...
THE GRAPHIC BOOK, my new and improved [and hopefully organized] area to show you what i can do in photoshop. ps, you can request sometimes. RA18 [ ] OPEN ; you may request all open forms to your heart's desire. [ ] OPEN SELECTIVELY ; not all requests will be accepted [ ] CLOSED FOR CATCH UP aka CFCU...
BUILDING ONE ;; from the northwestyles empire. ❝open up and see what's inside of my mind.❞ Se incluye ;; Portadas a pedido. Premades. »cover requests by ©northwestyles 2016. p r o g r a m a: Photoshop CC 2015. Cerra...
[X] OPEN Ahhh the aliens are coming! Your books need weapons. Request now! [X] BEING PICKY There are so many of you. I can't equip all of you. But don't let this deter you from requesting. [] ANIME graphics preferred. [] CFCU The armory is in full flame. Wait here, we'll get to you...
Hola, soy Mad! Aquí es donde pongo todas mis portadas. La seccion de pedidos está cerrada Hello, I'm Mad! here I'll be collecting all my graphics. Requests are closed at the moment!
Welcome to thegraphicsawards 2017! Nominate your favorite designers and vote for them, and see who wins! Enjoy!