Your Addictive Heart || l.s
Harry's ex boyfriend is determined to win back the curly headed boy's affections even if it means scheming and sabotage. That's his boy and Louis Tomlinson does not share.
Harry's ex boyfriend is determined to win back the curly headed boy's affections even if it means scheming and sabotage. That's his boy and Louis Tomlinson does not share.
"I wish you would do something for once!" - "Why would you say that? Oh my god." - "We're over!" - "It's about me." - "Just tell me!" - Hell's Angel Sequel (They don't technically need to be read in chronological order, but you don't have to if you don't want to.)
|sequel to dEVIL| "I couldn't become the King of Hell if I still cared about you, so I became void."
Harry Styles is starting his senior years at Seabrook High. He's intelligent, handsome and also is proudly apart of the LGBT community. It's a new year and Harry decides to join Drama. His teacher, Mr Tomlinson, is popular within the school for his sass, his smarts and by far his looks. There's just one down side: Mr...
Louis now knows Harry was the one texting him. However, his past grudge against Harry and the lies being told by Zayn may keep Louis and Harry apart forever. @futuoharry
"You're my mates?" The four nodded. "All of you?" Another nod. "And you're all Alpha's?" Nod. "And I'm your Omega?" They smirked. "Shit..." ----- zianourry fanfiction // harry centric
,,24.12 se můj svět roztříštil na kousky. Stala se ze mě omega." V den 18 narozenin se Louisův svět nadobro změnil. Mezi lidstvo je vypuštěn virus které od základu změní jejich DNA. Lidé přestanou existovat. Najednou se celý svět musí vyrovnat se skutečností, že se lidstvo rozdělilo na alfy, bety a omegy. A Louis se...
TEXTING AU (LARRY) where the i'm-in-fact-straight louis tomlinson happens to fall in love with someone completely anonymous only through texts. what happens when he finds out it's a boy?
Louis interns at the state prison and meets Harry who's on death row with only six months until his execution date. - "Why would you want to love someone who's already gone." "I didn't choose to, but I do, and now I'll just have to accept that my heart will be shattered."
{ Discontinued } Harry and Liam are "troublemaker". They don't listen to their parents, start fights in school -if they decide to go-, smoke, drink and get tattoos without their parents agreeing. At one point both parents have enough and decide to send them to a boarding school -Birmingham Disciplinary School for Male...
Vztah s ním byl téměř perfektní. Kazila ho jen naprostá maličkost. Nikdy jsme se nedokázali shodnout na tom, jestli nám sex chybí, nebo překáží.
Submisivita. Základní vlastnost omeg. Pro omegy také povinný předmět na školách. Louis Tomlinson by vám o tom mohl povyprávět. Dokonalý student, který z tohoto předmětu propadá. Louis se sice může pyšnit nadprůměrnými výsledky ze všech ostatních předmětů, ale to, že opakovaně propadá ze submisivity si za rámeček dát n...
" Please, Tell me what you want from me!" The laughter grows louder making Harry want to cry. " Isn't it obvious Harry? We want you!"