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  • control ↪ teen wolf
    17.6K 523 11

    in which lydia martin's twin brother spreads chaos to beacon hills. [COMPLETE]

  • hot and cold [S.MCCALL]
    13.7K 455 12

    hot and cold, hot and cold, homie i don't know he's hot and cold truly the bullshit has gotten old, superficial with a rotten soul

  • L E T T E R S || allisaac
    2.2K 118 21

    In which a depressed girl sends letters to a boy who never reads them.

  • OH BABY! ( thiam ) ✓
    196K 6.6K 25

    dunbars: anyways im dropping out of school social media au no supernatural

  • moments ↴ thiam
    179K 5.7K 26

    ❝ I'm not the prettiest you've ever seen but I have my moments I have my moments ❞ [THIAM] [#3 in #reaken 8/27/18]

  • hopeless. (holloway)✔️
    90.7K 3.5K 59

    "i hope hopeless changes over time" **** In which a rebellious but kind Beacon Hills student recovers from past heartbreak over a young werewolf and develops a crush on a misunderstood outsider. (boyxboy) (semi-social media)

  • Unspoken ▹ Teen Wolf [01]
    989K 29.8K 47

    ❝Contrary to the popular belief, there's a very thin & fragile line between saying too much, and saying too little. More often than not, you'll find yourself unable to balance on that line & tipping to one side or the other, before inevitable falling. Whether or not there will be something there to catch you, that dep...

    43.1K 2.1K 1

    "I'm not my dad, okay? I'm not my fucking dad!" - In which Papa Stilinski had a child as an result of an affair while his wife was still alive, and he hasn't turned out to be the best kid. [Pairing not developed yet.] [THE NAME LIP (PHILLIP) WAS TAKEN FROM 'SHAMELESS US'. THIS BOOK PORTRAYS SIMILAR TRAITS AND QUOTED F...