įµŹ³įµįµįµĖ” ; įµįµĖ”'Ė¢ Ė¢įµį¶Ź³įµįµ įµā±įµŹ³Źø ā
ā°āā¤į“µ'įµ Ė¢įµ ā±āæĖ¢įµį¶įµŹ³įµ, į“µ įµŹ°ā±āæįµ ; įµŹ°įµŹ³įµ'Ė¢ įµŹø į¶ įµį¶įµā±āæįµ įµįµįµāæįµįµįµ įµŹ³įµįµįµĀ”! ā The tears flowed unchecked down her cheeks and dripped from her chin. She was too sad to cry out or wail, she just stood there as still as a statue while the magnitude of her loss swept over her. Her lower lip quivered as words slowly made their way o...