Minecraft story mode ask and dares (disconnected)
I decided to make this because I read a lot of these so yeah.
I decided to make this because I read a lot of these so yeah.
Hey guys! This is my first story book :3 In this story there will be : -the old OOTS (Order of The Stone) -the new OOTS -The Blazed Rods #sorrynotsorry Enjoy~
Hoi! I have really gotten into the Minecraft story mode stuff so here I am... Doing some of it... Btw I'm doing this with no help from others so forever alone... And I doubt that this will be seen by anyone cause my life sucks...
Hey everyone! I'm here with a Minecraft Story Mode Ask & Dare, (if you can't tell by the title). I have seen other people do it so I decided to do one myself. :-3 There is no set schedule for this book, because it's like my 'Big Book of Shipping', so it is a side book. In this book the characters act exactly like they...
Alright so first off, I know there are a crap ton of these. But since I've read a lot of them, and most had awful grammar and spelling, I decided to make my own. Info inside. Will contain cursing and probably some dark themes.
ask or dare me anything, and I will do it irl!!! (and tell you guys all about it!) (cover art is not mine)
Give asks or dares for the MCSM characters in the comments! I will try to all of them!
The MCSM crew is trapped with me >:3 MWAHAHA! Ask or Dare them!
(Female Jesse is called Jess and her and Jesse are the ones with the lightest skins) Axel:Hey,Lukas? Lukas:Sup? Axel:*points at Lukas' headphones* WHAT ARE THOSE!? Lukas:My headphones? Jesse:GET REKT Axel:You blew it,Lukas,you blew it... Me:I know we're all bored but I have an idea! Olivia:Which is? Me:ASK OR DARE! Ev...
I'm taking dares or questions for the MCSM characters! All you have to do is say the name of the person you want to dare or ask, then comment the dare/question. Nothing inappropriate, that makes this book fun! Other than that, GO (a little bit) CRAZYYYY!!!!
I am seriously IN LOVE with Minecraft Story Mode by TellTale Games. So I have no idea what I have created. Playas: Jesse Jess (Female Jesse) Olivia Axel Lukas Petra Gabriel the Warrior (bae) Ellegard the Redstone Engineer (QUEEN ) Magnus the Rouge (Homeboy ) Soren the Architect (Friggen Doc Brown smh ) Reuben (Plz not...
What happens when The Order starts playing Truth or Dare? Sercets will be released and exposed. Find out in MCSM Truth or Dare. Will have female and male Jesse.
AYYYYYYE. Welcome, to Ask or Dare MCSM 2.0. This is the second book to my previous MCSM Ask or Dare. Players: All the Jesses! -dabs- Olivia Axel Lukas Petra Ivor Gabriel Ellegaard Magnus Soren Milo Isa Cassie Harper Pama If you want other characters from other fandoms or your own oc, just say so! (Not adding them...