Peridot's The Type Of Gem | Steven Universe
Simplemente el primer "Is The Type" de Steven Universe. Veamos quien es nuestra Dorito favorito.
Simplemente el primer "Is The Type" de Steven Universe. Veamos quien es nuestra Dorito favorito.
This may or may not be a crack book... But if it is... Get the moonsugar ready.
Okay, so I've read a lot of Fanfics in my time, namely Powerpuff Girls Fanfics, and I've seen a lot that are just...too much. This is a rant book about things that are know...wrong... Like...IN-WHAT-AU-WOULD-THIS-EVEN-BE-PLAUSIBLE wrong. Before you read, please beware of frequent caps, hypocrisy, an immens...
¿como seria si estos grandes personajes usaran whatsapp? mira este libro para ver como serian las conversaciones de este héroe y la reencarnación de una diosa junto con otros grandes personajes de esta grandiosa saga! idea original
On my SpongeBob Quotes book I said I was going to make about about Disney. Well now it expanded to all and any cartoons! (maybe movies) Quotes, facts, theroies, and more all together in one book! I hope you enjoy!
The World of Pokémon is a wonderful place. However, there are certain things you should never do if you value your life. What happens if you do them anyway? Well, you might just wind up with a starring role in Mew's latest chaotic scheme: a T.V. show dedicated to all the craziness the World of Pokémon has to offer! Wh...
This is the second version of my other The book of Jokes!! Please remember if offended, I don't care.