The Kim Seokjin Bible: Dad Jokes
As the title says, this is a bible of Jin's jokes (and maybe some of mine). This book is dedicated to his great sense of humour and quality jokes.
As the title says, this is a bible of Jin's jokes (and maybe some of mine). This book is dedicated to his great sense of humour and quality jokes.
This story contains what I'd like season 2 to be. It also shows my take on some of what might be happening. It takes place after the season finale so if you haven't finished the season, be warned! This contains SPOILERS.
This a story about how life goes on for the specific actors Camila Mendes, Lili Reinhart, Cole Sprouse, Madelaine Petsh and KJ Apa after the first season of Riverdale. And what happens with Lili Reinhart and Cole sprouse? Is it just the fandom? Or does SPROUSEHART really exist?
"You are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing" •- sprousehart (cole x lili)
One Shots for Little Mix's Jesy Nelson and Rixton's Jake Roche.
Harry's having a hard time after losing loads of friends in the Battle of Hogwarts. Luckily he has a group of friends around him who help him. He also has a child to look after, Teddy Lupin. With loads of effort, Harry finally starts to enjoy life again without constantly blaming himself for everything. He returns to...
My first fanfic!! I hope you like it. In this fanfic, we'll find out how Harry and Ginny deal with being soulbonded. How will this change their everyday lives? Will they succeed when they are faced with some of the most powerful evil forces around? Find out in Silver And Gold. All characters belong to the amazing J.K...
*Warning* It starts out kinda cheesy. I'm sorry about that but when I started I wasn't the best writer. But the story gets much, much better once you push through those bad, awkward chapters. This takes place right after the defeat of Voldemort, Harry and Ginny are together, so are Ron and Hermione. I noticed that a...
The sequel to Harry Potter - After the War
Pe cand lumea vrajitoreasca pare in siguranta, pe cand Harry si Ginny cred ca toate s-au sfarsit si ca vor trai fericiti, un ultim obstacol intervine in viata lor, iar cuplul greu incercat, alaturi de restul familiei, trebuie sa fie prudent si rapid, deoarece unul din Talismanele Mortii produce un haos inimaginabil. ...
Harry, cu sotia lui Ginny, spera sa aiba o viata normala, acum ca Voldemort a murit. Dar ce se intampla cand afla ca Voldemort are urmasi? Vor reusi sa ii infranga, sau vor muri incercand? Inchisa pentru corectare
O carte de dragoste, suspans, mister, SF, actiune si drama. O lume total diferita de cea a lui J. K. Rowling, in care Harry Potter e in confruntare cu Voldemort, Lordul Intunericului.