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  • The Garden of the Righteous
    233 65 19

    EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS BOOK. If one seeks advise on a good book of hadith " The Gardens of the righteous" is your book. Riyad-us-Saliheen is highly recommended to all Muslims. It is an enjoyable collection to read, and insh Allah will definitely increase you in islamic knowledge and faith.. Comiled by: Imam...

  • Gems from the Qur'ān
    1.9K 283 16

    This book will consist gems from the Qur'ān, revealed by the best author, Allah. It's the book he's sent down for the guidance of all mankind. I wouldn't be able to post all the gems though, only a selected few. And it's never possible to unravel all of the hidden gems in it:) what I find, I shall post some. Some of t...

  • The Islamic Message
    80.7K 8.3K 127

    Islamic messages for all my readers ☺️ Hope it inspires you all and help you lead a better life by the words of Allah SWT and Prophet SAWS❤️ May Allah SWT guide us all?Aameen? Cover credit- @_Diarra_16

  • 101 reasons why I ❤️ Islam
    5.5K 222 1

    Well, the title says it all. I hope you learn something good from this book.

  • The Prophets Of Allah
    59.4K 2K 70

    Stories of Prophets, teach, inspire and build our faith. Through them we learn how to thank God,to worship God and to ask for His forgiveness in the best manner. "Indeed in their stories there are lessons for men of understanding." 1. Allaah 'azza wajal commanded the Prophet [saws] to tell us about the prophets, it i...

  • Abandoned Sunnah
    10.3K 980 14

    The Prophet Salla Allahu Alaihi w Sallam said : "He who loves my Sunnah has loved me, and he who loves me will be with me in Paradise!" (Tirmidhi) do you love your Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم?? then there is no better way to prove it then to revive his sunnah, and how about the sunnah which half of the human being forg...

  • The Hijabi's note
    2K 339 20

    As-salaam Alaykum ❤ welcome to the hijabi's note. This is a combination of short notes and a few poems I have wrote about random things which affects a Muslim either directly or Indirectly. Author's note: I am simply human and I might make mistakes. In case I offend anyone in my poems then don't be afraid to speak up...

    4.3K 844 104

    "Wadhakir fainna dhikra tanfa'ul muuminin ". A brother in Islam just trying to remind dear brothers and Sisters. We've been called "insaan" because of our habit of forgetting , so am taking this opportunity to remind myself and others so as may Allah have pleased with us and give us his blessings and forgive us for...

  • MIRACLE (Miracle Is Another Name Of Hard Work)
    5.7K 1.7K 76

    Allah Gave You A Gift Of 86,000 Seconds Today Have You Used 1 To Say "ALHAMDHULILLAH" MIRACLE is another name of hard work. Achievement- 23/10/2016 - #288 in poetry 20/01/2017 - #745

  • My Dua book
    394K 7K 91

    Dua is an invisible weapon of a believer. Its an amazing exchange. You hand over your worries to God and he hands over his blessings to you! No dua ever gets unanswered..If not answered in this dunya,my brothers and sisters you shall be given something in the hereafter in exchange for them..Aint it amazing?SubhanAllah...

  • Pearls Of Al Quran
    97.9K 2.9K 10

    This book is just a little something to tell you how many benefits there are for you in just ONE Surah Subhaan ALLAH! So many benefits for us in THIS world and the hereafter In Shaa ALLAH! The Qur'an is the book of ALLAH (SWT) it was revealed to Our Beloved Nabi Muhammad (SAW) The Qur'an contains the Key to your Happi...