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  • gays for days - klance
    24.8K 1.6K 7

    for klance week

  • Klance One-Shots
    133K 6.2K 47

    not sorry!!

  • LOVE AGAIN?~Klance~ {Youtuber AU}
    22.2K 1K 8

    Lance steels Keith's jacket for a video, Shiro is too much of a dad, and Pidge writes too much Klance fics. WHAT COULD GO WRONG?! Hint:Everything Warning: Story might be a lot deeper then first appears, your welcome ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Stars // klance AU
    213K 12.6K 16

    There were two things that Keith disliked the most about college: 1. His roommate's taste in music 2. Sanchez Aka. Keith and Lance become texting buddies thinking they have never met but they do in fact know each other and dislike each other with the passion of a thousand stars. This story was originally poste...

  • The Red Nerd [Klance]
    139K 6.4K 14

    {High school AU} Keith Kogane was known as 'The Red Nerd' at his old school because he was the smartest boy in all his classes, and also because he always wore something red. Now, all that's gone.... He's moving to a new school, new neighborhood, new EVERYTHING. Also, now he's going to have to face something he's NEVE...

  • Message Read // Klance
    129K 9.1K 44

    @bi_fry: space is the shit 【@bi_fry you have one new message from @spacegay!】 ❰HR: #319 in fan fiction 09/04/17❱ ©empressrice >> 2016

  • Being Awake (Klance) [Voltron WA 2017]
    233K 10.9K 10

    The Paladins of Voltron are joined by Princess Allura on a mission to retrieve an artifact on a planet that reminds the Paladins of Earth. The planet is full of traps, the biggest one being that the water, if touched, would put you into a sleep-like trance and give you vivid dreams of your truest desires. But Keith d...
