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  • Zodiac signs
    31.8M 1M 199

    Everything and anything about your zodiac sign whether it be stereotypes Or real accurate facts, Who knows? What is your sign? I tried to be all deep and shit but it didn't work :/ *~Some are from Tumblr and some I made up myself~*

  • Zodiac Signs
    407K 15.9K 54

    Learn more about the zodiacs

  • Zodiac Signs
    1.5M 43.8K 176

    What does you sign say about you? - - - Achievement(s): #33 in Random

  • The Zodiacs and You
    681K 30.7K 156

    Basically short descriptions and details about your zodiac. May or may not be true. Mostly for fun. Believe if you want. So far, every chapter is written by me. I prefer not to take stuff from the Internet, as this is a Wattpad book and well, what's the use of creating one without writing the parts yourself? (excluded...

  • The Zodiacs
    548K 15.8K 201

    ~@somerandomperson712 inspired me to do this so if you like my books go check out hers!~ This is a book full of zodiac scenarios and other really cool things and I hope you enjoy! I don't own most of these, credit goes to tumblr and every other source I may list in this book. Please don't take anything that I clearly...
