More than I expected
Arizona's had a rough day at work, she finds herself at Joes bar beside Eliza who quickly helps turn her bad night into a good night. Arizona realizes she is more than just physically attracted to Eliza.
Arizona's had a rough day at work, she finds herself at Joes bar beside Eliza who quickly helps turn her bad night into a good night. Arizona realizes she is more than just physically attracted to Eliza.
*SEXUELLE HANDLUNGEN TEILWEISE ENTHALTEN* Zur Geschichte: Mel ist gerade mal 21, als sie beschließt, sich von ihrer Heimatstatd und somit auch von ihrer Familie und ihrem Exfreund zu trennen. Da steht sie also: Die kleine, schmächtige, braunhaarige Mel in NewYork und versucht verzweifelt, an einen Job heran zu kommen...
All of a sudden things start to change for Arizona where Eliza is concerned. It's funny how quickly things can alter with one simple gesture
Richard catches Arizona and Eliza in the attendings lounge kissing. How does everyone react?
What happens after the kiss that Arizona and Eliza share? Anything? Nothing? My take on what should happen next....