Finally, Finally, Finally
My heart was aching for Clexa for literally no reason, and I had a pent-up desire to write them. So here we go. Based on Halsey's song "Finally // beautiful stranger".
My heart was aching for Clexa for literally no reason, and I had a pent-up desire to write them. So here we go. Based on Halsey's song "Finally // beautiful stranger".
Follow Christen's journey through a college experience as she finds out more about herself with the help of friends and other students
Word Count: 36,850. "Nothing in the world is quite as good as lying down in dewy grass, nighttime at long last after a day of walking absolutely nowhere, soccer and a lover competing for your breath." ~Chapter Twenty Christen is the new girl disturbing Tobin's hard chill. Coach Jill always wanted the gals to build st...
Basically what I hope happens after part one of the finale (of the 100). I love the idea of Clarke and Lexa so they're going to be endgame in this. This is basically just to take the sting off of Lexa's betrayal. Whoops, spoiler! There will be more of those in here.
Clarke and Lexa have finally freed their people and gotten together, but their life is never that simple. When a new enemy arises and joins an old enemy, will their people's combined strength be enough? Or will they lose everything they love?
Things are done differently in the Danvers Kingdom, where Queen Eliza Danvers herself has adopted the Kryptonian Kara Zor-El and where her other daughter Alex is a full fledged knight. Their calm world gets shaken when Kara is put in a situation where she reveals her powers and when new people enter their lives like M...
This is a collection of prompts sent to me! More can always be added, feel free to send more! They don't have to be in the Her Weakness universe, either!
Together with their guards, Octavia, and Raven, Clarke and Lexa have made it to the Sankru city on their travels that encompasses all Thirteen Clans. And Lexa's planning on proposing to Clarke once they get to Trishanakru (the Glowing Forest Clan). Will Clarke say yes? How will this affect the rest of their travels to...
Lexa wants the Sky People to join the Coalition and become the 13th clan. Some like the idea, while others are weary. Clarke and Lexa come up with a perfect solution: travel the twelve clans after a meeting in Polis. It'll give them time to relax after going through so much, time to prove once again that the SkaiKru i...