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  • clock's counting down
    7 1 3

    time tīm/ noun the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.

  • new start
    8 1 1

    What if Sam called Castiel and not Rowena? S12E11 Season 12, Episode 11- Regarding Dean

  • disposable angel
    5 0 1

    Castiel was anything but disposable. Right?

  • rain in the afternoon
    4 0 1

    She never believed in a higher power. But there, standing in the rain she felt comfort knowing something larger than life was watching her.

  • golden morning
    32 2 1

    A quiet morning.

  • choking on flowers
    31 3 1

    he died like he lived, breathing in the smell of flowers and choking on them.

  • behind the scenes
    39 2 1

    Ben Wyatt freaks out after behind on live radio. Season 3, Episode Five - Media Blitz. Also on ao3 on blowmedemons.

  • running through the streets of la
    5 0 1

    They were late and didn't have a car. Inspired by a post on instagram. Not my best work.