The Dare
A group of friends are dared to visit a Haunted House on the night of Halloween. They all think it's a joke at first,but little did they know that strange things would happen... "Honey,You Got A Big Storm Coming."
A group of friends are dared to visit a Haunted House on the night of Halloween. They all think it's a joke at first,but little did they know that strange things would happen... "Honey,You Got A Big Storm Coming."
"Agent 864, I want you to hurt her, not physically, but mentally. Make her as weak as a napkin, exhaust her until she breaks as if she is being thrown against a wall like a glass vase. Suck out every single emotion she has and then bring her here - totally empty. I want you to destroy her." ~*~ There...
❝Running away isn't all that easy. There are many obstacles along the way. Many things run through your mind. Will you get caught? Will it all turn out the way as planned? What if what or who you're running away from, meets with you in the end? Part of me feels it's the right decision, like if I could run away at all...
He towered over my weak body the gun still in his hands. He aimed the gun at me and I closed my eyes ready to die. But he never shot me instead grabbed me by the bicep and yanked me up and pulled me into his chest. He lowered his head and whispered huskily in my ears "Your mine."... Clara knows the dangers of the stre...
my life is perfect i have a great boyfriend my marks are great in school, execpt one thing that perfect boyfriend he well... beats me.
Humans are close to extinction. A group of men called 'Extincts' kidnap girls from the ages 16-35 and attempt to get them pregnant. When Violet turns 16 she knows she needs to be careful, Extincts are everywhere, always looking for their newest victim. Violet's only problem is... the Extincts are already after her. *1...
Preview of the first book of the Anarchy series, published by Orion Books. Preorder your copies today! This is danger. This is chaos. This is anarchy. All Rights Reserved to Megan DeVos, 2018 ©
**A new, mature version will soon to be published on my account Alice Dawson and her parents just move into a one-hundred year old house. There has said to be a brutal murder down in the basement. When Alice has to retrieve something from the basement, she feels a presence. She couldn't tell if it was a good, or bad p...
„Inventăm orori care ne ajută să facem față cu cele adevărate.” author: twerkingforfreepizza
In a corrupt community, young girls are sold to men as mere objects of pleasure and they are kept for as long as the men desire. But things take a turn when the spoilt son of a wealthy businessman crosses paths with an unfortunate girl forced into the twisted world of Baby Dolls. Baby Doll © Wonderwall123 2013 - 2014
Liam Payne always did what everyone wanted him to do. He obeyed all the rules and tried to make his bandmates do the same. Now Daddy Direction is going to do what he wants. New cover artwork by the awesome @delerioustyles Thanks so much babe.
A avut o viata uimitoare,frumoasa,un adevarat vis devenit realitate.Emma era din ce in ce mai aproape de a-si indeplini visul ,acela fiind, de a face facultatea in New York si sa se mute acolo impreuna cu parintii si sora ei.Insa soarta decide altceva.Totul se transforma intr-un cosmar, un adevarat iad,familia ei m...
Harry Styles este demonul din viata Amandei,el a distrus-o pe veci, a violat-o si dupa a decis sa o sechestreze la el in casa sau cum ii placea Amandei sa spuna la el in "iad". El era monstrul din cosmar,era zmeul din basme,era diavolul din iad dar mai presus era Demonul ei.
Periculos,asta e descrierea lui Harry Styles,un baiat de 20 de ani care intra in afaceri rele si necurate. Trafic de droguri,trafic de persoane ,sex,bautura curse de masini si multa distractie,de cand parintii sai au fost omorati de catre un traficant de persoane, Domnul Smith, el a jurat ca ii va razbuna,ca ii va om...
THIS STORY IS DISCONTINUED. READ IF YOU WANT, BUT IT'S NOT FINISHED. "Featherstone forest is a place where all fictional becomes reality." [ cover made by @bottom_of_styles ]
”Bun venit în noua ta viață,sub regulile mele.Este plăcerea mea să îți fac viața un iad”
THIS STORY IS DISCONTINUED. READ IF YOU WANT, BUT IT'S NOT FINISHED!!! "Welcome to your new life under my rule. It's my pleasure to make your life a living hell." {explicit content} [ cover made by @narrysnirvana ]
Un tunel misterios se afla in orasul lui Carter. De cand era mica i se spunea sa stea departe de tunel. Un pericol se ascunde acolo de care Carter e speriata. Nimeni nu a fost capabil sa vada capatul tunelului;nici lumina zilei nu poate stralucii pana acolo. Acum, la 19 ani cand curiozitatea e mare, prietenii lui Car...
Si-a strans pumnii incercand sa se calmeze, inchizand robinetul. Statea pe loc intrebandu-se daca toate lucrurile care i-au trecut prin minte in ultimele 5 minute aveau vreun sens. Fiecare gand era despre ea, o voia mai mult decat oricine. A ajuns la o singura concluzie: era cu adevarat obsedat de ea. Writer of the s...
"Esti prea mica pentru a sti ce este dragostea adevarata." "Dar poate vreau sa aflu." © 2014 - SoMontgomery Cartea poate contine scene cu descriere sexuala si limbaj vulgar. Dedicata lui @DannaTomlinson17
In spatele cadavrului din lac sau al fantomei cu lanturi la picioare, Al doamnei ce danseaza sau al barbatului ce-a pierdut socoteala la pahare, Sub privirea ostenita, o criza de migrena sau oftat Ascuns bine ochiului, sta negresit un pacat. W.H.AUDEN
El isi vede doar de slujaba lui si anume de a o proteja pe ea.Ea incearca sa accepte regulie sale.Dar ce se intampla atunci cand se apropie mai mult decat trebuie uitand cine sunt ei cu adevarat si ca provin din lumi diferite.Oare vor reusi sa supravietuiasca intr-o lume in care sunt nevoiti sa se sacrifice pentru a s...
Anul 2079. Lumea s-a schimbat iar pamantul nu mai este ce obisnuia odata sa fie. Atingerea Virusului de acum 50 de ani a distrus totul―populatia pamantului a scazut, moartea si foametea au crescut, iar orasele care odata stateau inalte si gratioase s-au prabusit. Oamenii care au reusit sa se salveze erau pe cale sa se...
Evelyne Blackumberg-Scott este o fată cu ceva mai multe abilităţi decât o fată normală de şaisprezece ani.Tatăl ei a fost uman,iar asta a cauzat ca ea să aibă în ADN-ul ei şi urme de sânge uman,prin urmare existând posibilitatea ca ea să fie doar o simplă fată sau transformarea ei în vampir să înceapă,lucru care o en...
***ATENŢIE: Această poveste conține scene VIOLENTE şi SEXUALE*** Toate drepturile rezervate autoarei: WhisperOfDreams (c) Rose ştia că lumea asta era plină de mistere, plină de mistere, mistere gata să fie descoperite. Mereu visa la o viaţă normală, fără griji şi fără vină. Dar evident, soarta a decis al...
.....Se ia o fata saraca si egoista, se amesteca cu o vedeta plina de bani, se condimenteaza cu minciuni, trucuri si inselatori,apoi se lasa la cuptor pana cand totul devine fierbinte.... Se poate servi cu un pahar de gelozie.. Enjoy!