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  • Redcon Two
    61 7 2

    We are centered around a Zustand inhabitant named Raymond Calley, He may seem like just a mentally damaged man after a run in with a hostile nation, But underneath all that death, All that damage he is formulating a way to end the offensive of the nations. Once and for all.

  • Forgive Me
    8 1 1

    Life isn't what it seems, some people live in misery while others think nothing of it. It's sad and pathetic but it's the cold, harsh, cruel reality we live in. We are stuck to deal with the bullshit of lies from others.

  • Lonely
    22 2 2

    "Every human walks around with a certain king of sadness. They may not wear it in their sleeves, but it's there if you look deep"- Taraji P. Henson

  • The punishment
    1.2K 39 23

    This is a konoha high fanfiction I do not own Naruto kishimoto-Sama does besides if I did there would be a lot more blood and gore ;)

  • Trapped
    11 2 4

    They didn't care no one did I'm just an average girl with an average life....right?what happens when my high school reunion happens to be near a psychotic girl with anger issues