A triad of young dogs venture to the forest and stumble upon a canine Civilization marred by internal conflict.
A triad of young dogs venture to the forest and stumble upon a canine Civilization marred by internal conflict.
[ this is an outdated artbook!! please go to recent ones for examples of my art. ] Why hello friend i see that you have found my hideout. Either you just found me, or you're a lil stalker - BUT THats ok i love you anyways and i hope that you enjoy my art as much as i enjoy making it.
[ TEMP COVER, UPDATED COMING SOON ] i have no idea what you write in descriptions but HI HELLO welcome!!! i hope you like my art and if you dont - this probably isnt the place for you LMAO. please check later chapters for better examples of my art! thank you! godspeed, nea