EXONARIOS WORLD 5-1 . GAME OVER ! Continue? Yes or No.
AYO EXO-Ls ~ !! LISTEN!! (enjoy the mayo) Derpy, Funny, Dumb, Random or just Weird Exo's reaction to per scenarios is on Camdorkim's work. EXO SCENARIOS:"Enjoy the Mayo" !! If you're into fun treat in reading your exo bias'es reactions/scenarios, then THIS IS FOR YOU! If you have not found the scenario that you wann...
[COMPLETED] ┬┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬┴ HeY.. Hey.. Yeah You.. You there. Wanna read some weird random shits and scenarios of Exos??? YES?? ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) That's great. Come in. Exo random scenarios, jokes, games, imagines and any passtime for your boredom. ♥ ENJOY THE MAYO!! EOMMAYA! ♥ deuce~
AyyYyyYyYyYyYYooo~ How about another shot of derp and weird scenarios with Exo? LET'S GET DRUNK AND GO TO THE MILKYWAY GALAXY! *kris pose*