The Family Drama Series: Epilogue
The Introduction and character names of The Family Drama Series comprising of 14 stories Coming soon. Check it out now guys. These are my upcoming babies (stories I mean) 😉
The Introduction and character names of The Family Drama Series comprising of 14 stories Coming soon. Check it out now guys. These are my upcoming babies (stories I mean) 😉
"Have u ever felt a jolt of lightning through your senses? Has anything or anyone made u freeze in an instant? In that moment did you feel the words entrapped in your vocal chords?" DOES THESE LINES GIVE U A FEEL OF A HAPPY-ENDING-NORMAL-LOVE-STORY !!! if so then step into the world of KAI and realize how deceptive yo...
#35 in spiritual Zaamin Bashar Ameen, the blue eyed monster so as they call him. A 6 foot Hot, sexy, striking and gorgeously arrogant alpha male. He had power, he had opulence and he was one of the most influential people in the world. With a sprouting and blooming empire, and a father who was a merciless mafia king...
Life *condition apply Looking down the memory lane Life was so sugarcane Transpiring through the nerves was no pain Yet my soul seems so insane It was never in vain Yet felt no gain My heart seems to constrain As if finding peace was the reason main Inayah, 18 years old carefree and easy going. She...