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  • My One Shot Book
    1.1K 81 40

    This is a book for all of my One Shot ideas, book ideas and requests for one shots. I hope you guys like this!

  • Finding The Black Ninja [Ninjago Fanfiction]
    32.4K 802 17

    The ninja set out to go on a dangerous mission at the Torchfire Mountain, an active volcano located at Ninjago's Sea of Sand. On the mission, Cole, The Black Ninja, get captured by an unknown identity. Read to find out what happened to Cole. [6/7/17 - start] [11/7/17 - hit #668 in Adventure] [5/8/17 - hit #202...

  • Help!
    9.8K 639 36

    Kai get's kidnapped by the latest villain, Shadow. Lloyd is being threaten. Help!

  • Under The Stars Of Ninjago
    368 38 7

    Among all of Ninjago's secrets one is about to be revealed and will the new group of Ninja be able to help defeat the enemy and save Ninjago.

  • Beyond the Light of Truth
    179 9 1

    In Ninjago it's can be hard to tell the lies from the truth. For the Ninja it's even harder, but soon a single light of truth will be revealed to the realm. Note: Picture made by Jasmen (TheMasterofStars)

  • Lightning (A Ninjago Fanfiction)
    27 5 1

    He's known as the master of lightning, and most just use that for their own purposes. The male gives and gives till he has nothing left to give. It's high time he got something in return....right? Started: June 21, 2019 Finished:
