1,000 ways to be ANNOYING!
1,000 ways to annoy the crap out of someone!
Nothing compares to the feeling you get when you get back at someone for something they did. What better way to do that then annoying them. When you annoy someone you do it over and over. So they totally flip out and possibly humiliate themselves. In this book you will read ways to annoy in Walmart ,Iin the library...
One day I thought, 'Wow I'm just really annoying... I should write a book on it!' That's how it happened. Satisfied?
Da li smo toliko slijepi da na vrijeme ne prepoznamo pravu ljubav? Da li mozemo biti bezosjecajni do smrti? Da li nam gubitak treba probuditi osjecaje? Na kraju ipak sve nas ceka smrt, ali prije smrti zivimo zivot. Zivot u kojem igramo po pravilima sudbine...
Cringing from my old self so Imma fix a bit. This is the roleplay that I and my friends are curently doing.It's in the game Alicia Online..In 1st season my best friend introduces me to her cousin and we all become a group...We all have our spirit animals,powers and Japanese names (names represent your power)..In my ro...