After 3
The passionate story of Tessa and Hardin continues as family secrets, deep betrayals, and career opportunities threaten to tear them apart.
The passionate story of Tessa and Hardin continues as family secrets, deep betrayals, and career opportunities threaten to tear them apart.
This is the sequel (continuation) of After. Hardin and Tessa's relationship will be tested in ways she never expected, but he knew of all along.
Tessa Young is an 18 year old college student with a simple life, excellent grades, and a sweet boyfriend. She always has things planned out ahead of time, until she meets a rude boy named Hardin, with too many tattoos and piercings who shatters her plans.
Vazhdimi i librit Ne Debore.Pas sfides se saj te madhe Megi do te zbuloje te vertetat e frikshme qe lidhen me jeten e saj.Por zbulimi i tyre do te kete nje kosto te shtrenjte. Fitues i cmimit te pare ne Ndenjat me te forta dhe vend i trete ne Fillimi me i cuditshem.Libri ka perfunduar dhe nuk do te rinovohet me. Cov...
Kur nje vajze 17 vjecare e semure me Insuficence renale kronike ne veshka shperngulet ne nje qytet tjeter ajo do te perjetoje nje aventure tjeter nga jeta e saj e zakonshme.Pasi ndihmon nje djalosh te ri dhe e dergon ne spital,atje do te takoje dike qe eshte i aferm me djaloshin dhe qe me vone mund te behet pjese e j...