I'll Be There: Outtakes
Moments & different perspectives that didn't make into the official story. These chapters will add to the main book, but don't alter the story in any way. Just scenes I wanted to write that I couldn't fit in!
Moments & different perspectives that didn't make into the official story. These chapters will add to the main book, but don't alter the story in any way. Just scenes I wanted to write that I couldn't fit in!
The James family is making a major move after Spencer decides to retire and uproot back to California, which causes the entire family to face some serious adversity.
A mini-series about Spencer and Olivia growing closer over the summer before Vegas. CW NETWORK OWNS RIGHTS TO ALL CHARACTERS
Like the previous prediction series for season 3, this series will follow the season 4 schedule. Each chapter will be a prediction of what's to come in the next episode and will be posted before the episode's premiere.
She knew she was in trouble as soon as she saw him at Jordan's engagement party. Olivia and Spencer have been separated for almost three years, but are thrown back in each other's orbit for Jordan's wedding.
One shot idea's that pop up in my imaginative mind, that I wanted to bring to life in my own little way💕 - k.a
After a breakup in college, Spencer and Olivia must learn to co-parent while trying to make new lives for themselves. Will their strong connection bring them back together and complicate their new adventures?
Confidant ------- Con •fi• dant Noun A person with whom one shares a secret or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it to others. Everyone has secrets that they can't let out. Everyone has problems that they can't work out by themselves. Another thing that everyone has is that one person that they can share t...
A collection of All-American one-shots filled with a lot of fluff and a whole lot of angst! Some stories end badly, some end well, and others just keep going on... Comment/ Message me ideas for a specific story or prompt and I'll try my very best to write it :)
An overflow of my Spelivia story ideas and ideas from other Spelivia fans that aren't long enough to make a full book. These one-shots won't be related and all of them will be different lengths. Enjoy :)