Grow Old With Me
This story is about sadness and the need for someone next to you- might trigger depression and there will/are some explicit (sexual) scenes so reader discretion is advised.
This story is about sadness and the need for someone next to you- might trigger depression and there will/are some explicit (sexual) scenes so reader discretion is advised.
Peter Parker falls for a girl who's world is even stranger than his, but when her life is threatened by a girl with a vendetta, he refuses to leave her side.
"Nikada ga više ne želim vidjeti." To su bile riječi kada je Malory sjela na avion za SAD. Naravno ništa se ne događa onako kako želim. Dvije godine kasnije pronašla sam ga u istom klubu u kojem sam bila ja, kako se žvali sa nekom crvenokosom kučkom u ženskom wc-u. Divno.
train wreck; the story in which a girl's fate is turned upside down after her encounter with a new face. [You told me to look at the brightest star, and that you would be looking at it too. But perhaps you are the brightest star. Making sure I get the happy ending we both desperately longed for.] - unpublished chapter...
Malory White je mlada 20-ogodišnjakinja koja je upravo završila koledž i započela svoj samostalan život. Tko je znao da će biti tako teško? Živi u malom stanu i ima malo novaca koje je dobila od roditelja. Otkako je završila koledž počela je tražiti dobar posao. Kada je napokon pronašla jedan upoznala je arogantnog ŠE...
'She loved you, Buck' Bucky looked back down at her and started to remember things too, as he remembered things, he started whispering the first thoughts that came to mind. 'Aren't you a bit tall for a girl...'; He mumbled, shaking his head as the memory flooded in. 'I l...
Ono što sam htjela znati kada sam bila osnovnoškolka, srednjoškolka, brucošica, kada sam bila zaljubljena, anksiozna, znatiželjna, nesigurna, tužna i ostali savjeti koje danas primjenjujem u svom životu ♡