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  • The Dare {Ambrollins}
    56K 2.5K 31

    **COMPLETED, NOT EDITED** "Truth or Dare, Dean?" Roman asked his best friend with a small smirk tugging his lips. Dean didn't even have to think twice, "Dare." "I dare you." Roman's smirk widens. "To date Seth Rollins for two months." The small circle of friends grew quiet as Dean could only nod, smirking along with R...

  • I'm Here For You 《Ambrollins》
    95.5K 2.9K 68

    Seth suffered a knee injury, and got into the hospital. No one cared about him, not even his 'daddy' Triple H. But then Seth got a surprise guest, who he hated. But what if Seth stops hating him, and feels something for him? (Completed) Cover by @hot_deanambrose

    Completed   Mature
  • Dirty Talk'n • book two (complete)
    92.8K 4.6K 44

    Dear Dean, Roses are Red Violets are blue Get over Seth. He doesn't love you. And I don't give a damn if he gave you a ring At the end of they day ...

    Completed   Mature
  • Sext You • book one (complete)
    232K 9.4K 45

    'You won't do shit' I text back quickly and turn my phone back off. I honestly enjoyed messing with this weasel. I could imagine him glaring at the screen right now. 'Shut the hell up Ambrose' he sent back to me and I laughed, enjoying the fact that I got a slight rise out of him. 'Make me Rollins' I respond with a...

    Completed   Mature
  • By Any Other Name: A Randy Orton Fan Fiction
    420K 14.4K 109

    A wise man once said, "What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet."-Shakespeare If that's true, wouldn't a rose by the same name smell even sweeter?

    Completed   Mature
  • WWE Preferences
    1.2M 24.6K 100

    the OG wwe preference book copyright © 2015 SuzunaKolt

  • Fifty Shades of Balor
    52.9K 1.4K 43

    (Non-Sex related, kinda) Daughter of Roddy Piper, Alex Piper was born into wrestling. She has been working for WWE since 2009. In 2013, she had a sever neck injury, making her out of WWE for almost a year. She came back towards the end of 2014, going to NXT to mentor and train with some wrestlers. Then, she meets the...

    Completed   Mature
  • You're Pathetic ( A Kelly Kelly and Randy Orton Short Love Story )
    28.3K 258 19

    Randy hates Kelly in the beginning. But did he lie to please her in the end? Will kelly and randy find themselves together? Or never?

  • The Worst In The World (WWE and CM Punk Love Story)
    59.4K 1K 34

    Sernalina Meliona Fayson hates her family. And her family always didn't like her either. So she's the "worst in the world". Her family is always on the go and now they are in Chicago. What's worse is that her step-uncle is going to introduce them his step-nephew. Sernalina knows she isn't going to get along with him b...

  • Love of a Legend Killer (Randy Orton/OC)
    429K 8.9K 52

    Living on the road 24/7 is one thing. Trying to find a special someone is another. Melody Stratigias, cousin of the famous professional women's wrestler Trish Stratus is currently working for the WWE, travelling with them constantly. Being on the road can get pretty lonely. However a relationship with a certain wrestl...

  • Once an Orton, Always an Orton
    10.5K 264 32

    Once an Orton, Always an Orton is a fan-fic about a love afar between Randy Orton and Zack Ryder. Veronica secretly has feelings for Zack but has been in love with Randy ever since her first debut on Smackdown. AJ and Kaitlyn are the only people who know about it. But AJ and Kaitlyn can't but aside their differences f...

  • Randy Orton: Unconditionally
    156K 3.4K 52

    Emily Parker- A coming-to-age, shy girl becomes a professional wrestler under the watch of Randy Orton; who can see that Emily is no innocent chick. Emily comes to find a second family, an unconditional love with Randy and discovers a power that earns her the nickname "The Viperess"

    Completed   Mature
  • Go Your Own Way (WWE Fan Fic)
    95K 1.4K 36

    I did it. I made it to the WWE. It is my dream come true. Everything was going fine, until he came around. Until CM Punk started becoming involved in my business. The irony in all this was that...

  • -"AllProblemsOfLoveandHate"- (WWE)
    21.9K 590 28

    Layla and Randy never really got along on the best of terms. Layla doesn't understand why Randy is being a jerk to her all the times. After a while things change knows what could happen

  • Bet on Red (WWE)
    199K 4K 34

    It all started with a bet. Who could melt the ice queen? Many had tried only to be shut down before their mouths even opened. He wasn't interested, but he was intrigued. She's elusive as hell. She doesn't drink, she doesn't smoke, she doesn't do drugs, she doesn't even date. She's arrogant and speaks her mind. She's j...

  • As Long As You Love Me (WWE CM Punk Love Story)
    31.4K 418 26

    I wrote this when I was like 12 so if the writing isn't all that good sorry. Lmao. This story about CM Punk falling in love with his childhood best friend.

    Completed   Mature
  • Stay With Me (CM Punk Love Story) ~Torn Between Two Sequel~
    34.7K 1K 51

    CM Punk (Phil Brooks) and Alicia Marquez have had so many ups and downs in their whirlwind relationship. Somehow, they have managed to salvage and strengthen their love despite all of the bumps along the way. Will Phil and Alicia finally make it down the alter and become husband and wife? Or will something OR someone...

  • Broken Hearts & Souls (WWE)
    19.6K 1K 41

  • A RKO love story: The beginning
    97.5K 1.4K 57

    Kaity had always had a school girl crush on Randy Orton. And when her bff takes her to one of the shows he is on, and their eyes meet, it goes from there. Follow Kaity and Randy as they figure out what life has in store for them both. (Previously: A RKO love story) [First book]

    371K 9.6K 55

    its so hard to hate you, because deep down i still love you. (AMBROSE & OC COMPLETED)
