All things you need to know about the LGBTQIAPK+ community
Wanting to Hit The Bookshelves pretty hard??? Or Amaze your peers with your impressive writing skills??? Or even gather more than 100,000 views, votes and likes on your story here on wattpad? Then You've Found the Right Book! Everything A Writer needs to be successful. Advice from Respected Good Writers made simple an...
How to Write Fanfiction is a writing resource that contains tips and tricks on crafting fanfiction stories - by the community, for the community. This guide will serve as a helpful point of reference for fanfiction writers both old and new. We ultimately hope to encourage Wattpadders to immerse themselves in the limit...
Learn how to make a good book cover! In here, I will give secrets about the photo editing, tips about the picture, and more!
There are hundreds of fantastic books about writing for hopeful authors to choose from, but most of them are boring, complicated, and bogged down by filler. This little book is brief, straight forward, and easy to understand. I hope it will serve as an easy-to-read manual to help serious writers perfect their craft. I...
How do I get more reads, votes, and comments? If you find yourself asking that question, then I have some answers for you. What can you do to reach out to readers and potential readers? How can you encourage readers to comment and vote? What are all the different ways you can promote your stories? This #1 ranking...
Since 2013, this Wattpad Guide has offered writers, just like you, helpful writing tips & techniques, across 60+ chapters, to improve your writing ability and Wattpad success.