Counting Stars (Mae X Bea) [Night in the woods] [DEAD] I am. Writing MaeBea. My all time favorite ship in Night in the woods. Someone finds the book. They're reading it...! I am. Writing MaeBea. My all time favorite ship in Night in the woods. Someone finds the book. They're reading it...!
Still getting over her ex boyfriend, Mae questions herself on whether she is crushing on her best friend Bea or not.
As similar to the episode the cmc (cutie mark crusaders) make a love potion for cheerly and macintosh but when you read this they'll be a little twist.
A year is made up of four seasons, each with its own identity and experiences. These same four seasons can be said to describe the life of a relationship. The relationship between Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash rises and falls with time, but through sadness, hardship, joy, and laughter, they both love each other with a...
Fluttershy and Rainbow dash both have dates to the party but have they actually had a kiss before? Instead Fluttershy and Rainbow dash both practice on kissing I mean its Not your first kiss if its just Practice After a year has passed Fluttershy and Rainbow have been in a romantic relationship for about a year. They...
Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash have always been great friends, looking out for each other and sticking together like two good Pegasus pals would. But all it took was one faithful night, one confession of love, to send their long-term friendship towards a new and deeper level. Now having to deal with whether they should b...
A mysterious rainbow necklace catches Rainbow's eye in the Everfree Forest, but when she puts it on she quickly discovers every pony she runs into suddenly acts like they are in love with her! They quickly become aggressive and try to have their way with her. Can Rainbow Dash succeed in finding a way to remove the cha...
This fic is set in a world where instead of Rainbow Dash being sent to get Pinkie for her Birthday party on Party of One, it was Twilight that was given the task of getting her. But Pinkie doesn't want to go, since she thinks her friends aren't good friends anymore. And instead of just dragging Pinkie to Applejack's b...
Applejack and Rarity, though different, finally find there similarities.
He kissed her. But he loves Starfire. BeastBoy loves her. But he's never kissed her. She's a demon. But she fights for good. She loves him. But it's impossible. Raven, Daughter of the demon Trigon, just saved the planet she was being forced to destroy. But the confusion in the aftermath might destroy her.
It's not safe out there it'll never be. Every day is a fight to do the right thing. God has given us his laws, history, answers, and the truth. You know what I'm talking about. We call it the bible. I don't know what you believe in, and I'm not going to try to convince you... But who am I kidding. Most of you will eit...