You Again? » l.t. au
[✓] (Drama Class sequel) ∥ What are the chances of meeting your former lover after two years? Not that small, in fact. But what if you have to share the same workplace as them? Copyright © 2013-2014 by funkystyles
[✓] (Drama Class sequel) ∥ What are the chances of meeting your former lover after two years? Not that small, in fact. But what if you have to share the same workplace as them? Copyright © 2013-2014 by funkystyles
Үйлийн үр гэгч зүйлээр урьд насанд цовдлогдож уулзах тавьлантай хүмүүс л уулзна. Гэвч гагцхүү, хамт амьдрах тавьлантай бол юу ч үл салгана. Бэллэ бол жирийн л нэг Лондонд амьдардаг охин. Гэхдээ тэр амьдралдаа тийм ч сэтгэл хангалуун биш. Учир нь 2 жилийн өмнө түүнд тохиолдсон аймшигтай хэргээс болоод. Ганц өдрийн до...
"I....I could always show you.." He told me Huh? "I could always teach you how." He repeated. "What?" I asked astonished he would even say that. "I could teach you how. I could show you how to be touched, how to touch others, even how to touch yourself" He said with seriousness in his voice. He's got to be joking. Th...
'Not once did I think would end up in a stupid supermarket buying condoms for my boss's son!' ... Ella Lane became the personal assistant of one of the worlds most respectable business men as soon as she graduated high school, though she didn't know the extra baggage that would come with the job being his son, Harry S...