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  • McLovin' [BoyxBoy] [Completed]
    7.6M 322K 22

    "Your name is Kenneth Kentucky and you work at McDonalds?" I glared at him, "Would you like Fries with that?" He began laughing hysterically and I sighed impatiently, waiting for him to stop. Suddenly, he stopped and then, putting both his hands on the counter, staring right into my eyes, he whispered, "I'd like Frie...

  • My Friend Is A Ghost
    134 16 7

    Jackson Maser was dead. Everyone became devastated. After all, who would dare to kill one of the most popular guys in high school? But it doesn't get any better when Debby finds Jackson's ghost in her room. Now its up to Debby and Jackson, well his ghost, to face the dark secrets of the seemingly peaceful town of Ro...

  • Anonymous - Newtmas
    45K 2.8K 10

    Newt and Thomas both have anonymous blogs that are connected to chat rooms. Thomas, also known as 'Greenie16' and Newt, also known as 'Bloodywalljumper' have been talking in these chats for a while now. But, these chats are anonymous so you could really be talking to anyone. That is something very important that the b...

  • Ten | newtmas
    795K 40.1K 63

    For seventeen year old Newt, the number ten is everything. Ten steps. Ten times you must snap your fingers. Ten nods of your head. Ten. When he's put in a mental institution for his extreme OCD, depression and anxiety, he meets some unlikely friends. And possibly the boy he's been looking for his whole life. But can h...

  • Falling for a Lie ~ Niam
    323K 12.2K 19

    AU. Niall chat with boys over the internet, pretending to be a girl. With a fake name, Niall keep in touch with Liam, a bloke from his school, but Liam thinks he's talking to a girl from another country. Liam is slowly, but surely, falling for the girl. Niam! (with a little Larry at the side)
